Wednesday, February 3, 2010

DAY 30!!! FINALLY. Now, I will only post when I actually have something to say about becoming a disciplined person.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

29! I have been going to bed on time! Going to bed on time does also help with the over -eating--but it doesn't solve it! I'm still praying and thinking on it.

I have PMS (sorry if this is too much information for some of you)--and this effects my motivation BIG TIME--but the sleep and the eating healthier helps the PMS be less of a problem--so, here's to getting lots of sleep!!!

Excited for DAY 30 tomorrow! I should celebrate, huh?! What should I do to celebrate??

Monday, February 1, 2010

28! I am very happy to report that I went to bed at 10:50 last night and it did help thi morning. Now to do this allllll week:) Another thing I will be starting up again is each person doing one chore a night--starting tonight--I am not FULLY committing to this--but I am going to try.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

27. So, food intake. Here's the story I promised to tell a while back: I was at a resteraunt (sp?)with a good friend of mine. It was the Cheesecake Factory. They serve HUGE portions of food and they give you warm. yummy bread and butter as you wait for your food AND of course, they have incredible cheesecake for desert, which is also a huge portion! So, I had already had the bread, a fruity alcoholic drink, my huge dinner and was eating my cheesecake--as I explained to my friend that my husband and I are trying to teach our 9 year old about limits when it comes to food!!!!!! In the middle of what I was saying, I realized the ridiculousness of it--as I took another bite of my double chocolate cheesecake!!!! We laughed SO hard~and finished our cheesecake (we both had our own pieces--btw!)!!

I love good food. I have used food as a comfort since I was born , I think. I believe that God created EVERYTHING for our enjoyment. I am overweight (not grossly, but enough). I am older now and my body is not as resilient as it was when I was 15. I eat when I am angry, I eat when I am lonely. I eat when I am up late at night by myself. And I am not talkin' about veggies and fruit! I'm talkin' chips, cookies, ice cream, etc.! I'm sure I am not alone in this. There is a lot to deal with here!

I was praying recently--asking God what is behind the eating at night (pretty much all the weight I have gained is a direct result of eating junk at night). He showed me that I use it to comfort myself. Behind EVERY addiction is an unmet need. Behind every unmet need, is a deep desire that is unrealized. COMFORT huh? SO now I need to dig deeper. I am committing to thinking and praying about this, this week.

POST 26 (There are more than 26 posts, but I am going off of how many days, even if I post more than once in a day.) Yesterday was a great day. I got a lot accomplished at work and I had a fun night out with some girlfriends---BUT there was really not a break in the schedule, so, posting was forgotten AGAIN! No guilt here though! I'm just excited to to be so close to the 30th post!

Since it's 1am, I think I need to discuss my sleeping habits. I have always been a night person. I'm sure some of you can relate. But the fact is, I need to start being DISCIPLINED about going to be at 10pm or 11pm at the latest, because then I can get up earlier in the morning and not have to get all stressed out rushing around to get out the door on time! Ask my girls, in the morning, if mom ain't happy, no one is happy (this applies more in the am then normal:))! So, mom needs to be happy in the morning, the only way for this to happen is for me to get my butt in bed at night! I am committing to going to bed no later than 11pm every night this coming week. I pretty much know why I started staying up late~; from childhood, through college I had a serious problem falling asleep at night. So, eventually I started to just stay up until I couldn't stay awake. Now, it is just a habit and I think a coping skill. Time to break it--whatever it has become! I'm gonna need prayer on this one! Thanks!

This leads me to the next subject to be discussed, which is limiting my food intake. It IS VERY late--so tune in tomorrow when I attempt to tackle this BEAR!!!!!

2 thoughts~1 from a book I am reading called "Crazy Love" the other from the Bible study, "Breaking Free"-- I am taking for the 2nd time. Both of these thoughts are things I am going to remind myself of this week:

1) "All that matters is the reality of who we are before God." Francis Chan

2) "Anytime you are preoccupied by a destructive thought process--this is a hinders you from the fullness that God is calling us all to." Beth Moore

Friday, January 29, 2010

25!!! I went to Bible study and returned home to a clean house--including the dishes being caught up! What a blessing from the girls and Jon! I feel like I have a fresh, clean slate to work with on this whole discipline thing--in regards to the house keeping part of it!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 24. It's hard to believe that I am only 6 posts away from 30 days! It is not turning out the way I wanted it too--but it is helping me to move forward in my quest to become a disciplined person.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Anyway, I am getting close to my 30th day!!!! It's getting harder and harder to keep doing it--but mostly because my brain is so fried from work and home by the time I get to posting--that I don't have much to say about discipline. Hopefully I will be able to take some time this weekend and articulate some thoughts on becoming a disciplined person. Good night.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Well, well, well I forgot again!!! I will blame this on the Vickings big loss! SO sad....maybe if I didn't save the post for the last, I would not for get! (my husbands advice:)) Okay--so I will try to fit posting in (for these last few days) maybe right after work or right after dinner. AND. I would like to discuss a few things on discipline--it just seems like by the time I get to my post--I'm rushed to either go to bed--or go back to work or go to something....

BTW-I do not have time today to work out--because I have presentations all day at a school--BUT I am eating a BIG salad for lunch:) Every step toward healthy limits makes a difference!

We (or I) need a good quote:

"Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find FAVOR and GOOD SUCCESS in the sight of God and man." Proverbs 3:3-4

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Oh my gosh!! I TOTALLY forgot to post yesterday! One thing I can say, I didn't purposely forget. I was distracted with it being Friday night. So, this is post 21, right? Yes. Now, my last post will be February 1st (as long as I don't forget again!

Last week was crazy! I new it would be. I DID follow through with my commitment to spend time everyday reading my Bible, but I did miss a couple of days of the journaling, because of days that I had to be out the door sooner than normal.

Tomorrow the Vikings (MN) are in the championship game to get into the Super Bowl! I hope I remember to post!

Life has been crazy busy, but I'm doing good with discipline--I just have to keep going and have or take time to process through some things--when I get some time.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

I have been realizing that working full time and having three kids and a husband and a house is a recipe for an ever changing dynamic. The kind of structure that I've been saying I need is not really realistic with these kinds of dynamics. Discipline IS possible-but an unchanging, daily routine is not realistic because there are too many things that are out of my control--that cause me to have to change the structure almost daily. As I have been changing things (rolling with the punches) I have been feeling guilty for not being "disciplined" enough--but the truth is that I have been working my BUTT off everyday and sticking to the structure as much as I can--the whole HEART of the commitment to become a disciplined person is a constant, it's just the details that get rearranged. More figuring this all out to come...I'm still thinking it through.

One thing that has happened everyday is my commitment to post everyday for 30 days!!!! I am BECOMING more and more each day--even if the actual "plan" is re-arranged on a regular basis. If non of this make sense to you, that'sokay--I'm just barely making sense of it myself.....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

POST 19!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 18. Good day. Stressful at the end. Was not able to fit in a workout. Was able to stick to my commitment to do devotions. I am burnt after work these days-so I might not type out a big discussion on discipline each day--the important thing right now is to follow through to the end with posting everyday. It feels like work today.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Can you believe I have NEVER missed a post for 17 days!!! Wow! This is exciting! Tomorrow starts a new week of DISCIPLINE. And it will be a test--because these next few weeks are gonna be CRAZY busy at work! I am hoping to stay very organized ( I caught up pretty well with the long weekend) so that home can be a refuge and not a place that I do not want to go home to. The hard part is going to be fitting in working out--because I have presentations at various schools , a good number of clients and some other big projects I am working on. I am gonna try to find time to work out each day. We'll see how it goes. I may have to go at night, if the day time schedule doesn't work.

The thing I have not been fitting in (cuz I go to bed too late and don't get up early enough) is spending time reading the Bible and journaling--which is how I best process my life and re-charge with God. My main commitment this week is going to be to read my Bible and journal everyday. Not out of legalism--just so I can stay fresh and connected to God. It always makes a huge difference! I'll let you know how it is going...

" The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run in to it and they are saved." Proverbs 18:10. His "name" is his character. Remembering the character of the Lord--this will be my refuge this week.
Not much to say today. It IS still day 16 to me, even though the date may not reflect this. I stayed up late watching a show and remembered to post just before bed. Today we planned our menu for the next two weeks! It has been pretty cool to come home from work , tired, and I already know what is for dinner and all the things I need to make the meal is already there--because I PLANNED AHEAD!!--What a concept!

Too tired to think of any good quotes to go with this. Anyone else have a good one???

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday. Day 15 ! Half way point! Today we worked a lot on our finances. If you know Dave Ramsey stuff--it was a very long budget meeting--to get back on the wagon and get a name for every dollar. DISCIPLINE with our money is getting less difficult for me, the more I feel the consequences of not being disciplined. Again, if you've read or seen Dave Ramsey--he often accesses a situation and decides whether it is a spending problem or an income problem. Ours is a little bit spending, but mostly right now we are committed to a budget--but the income is a problem. We are currently searching and praying for the right direction for Jon to go in regards to income. Pray with us will you? And, might I be so bold as to ask that none of you offer any "great" advice? I've had enough of that in the last 10 years--we need direction and action. That's it.

I think a good quote from Dave Ramsey would be good here. "Live like no one else, so that LATER you can LIVE like no one else!" This fits with money specifically, and discipline in general.

Happy long weekend!:)
I know the date says the 16th, but it is still the 15th to me--so this counts as day 14! I almost forgot! Hopefully this weekend I will have time to discuss a few things. It was just a very difficult, busy week at work and I have been extremely pooped out in the evenings!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It was a very busy day at work! On these days--I'm pooped when I get home! I took the night off. I will be discussing more on the subjects I mentioned, when I have some energy to put it to it. Like, maybe tomorrow --cuz I get some time off in the middle of the day:) I am happy for day 13, but I am really looking forward to day 15--which will be my half way mark:)!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A very long and accomplished day. Smoothie--check! Workout--check! Spend time with my son while the girls are on a date with dad--check! Following dinner meal plan for the second week in a row--check! I'm on it people--I'm on it!

Things to work on: keeping up with house work, going to bed earlier, getting up earlier--so I have time to NOT rush.

Good night.

Day 12

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Long Day! I'm posting to follow through on day 11:) Early start tomorrow...

Monday, January 11, 2010

It was a very busy day--it is 10 o'clock and its still not done--cuz My son is still awake! I took the girls swimming at the Y tonight (part of the plan to go to the 1 or 2 nights a week with the family). We had a blast and I am so glad that I put it in to the schedule, even though it makes the night or nights we go kind of busy.

I am hitting a wall with the dishes. For those of you who know me, this is my life long problem! As I sit here and type, the counter is FULL of dirty dishes. I HATE doing dishes! I mostly have the girls do them, but somehow we have let them procrastinate. Also, Emily hurt her back and hasn't been doing her share. Even without dishes, my schedule has been packed everyday (except Sunday). Also, I have really bad wrists (ask my mom and sisters) and washing dishes literally causes pain afterward. It 's so bad, that I should ice them after I do dishes. But, mostly I just hate doing dishes!!

So, what do I do about this??? My thinking is that if I can't conquer the dishes problem, I will never be able to call myself a disciplined person. No, I am not being too hard on myself. It really is a SIMPLE matter of discipline and breaking of a life long habit . It should work itself out with the whole schedule, but, it seems like every time that life gets too busy, the dishes are the first thing that gets dropped. Then we are all stressed in the morning having to wash this or that dish, just to be able to eat breakfast!! (BTW, we do not have a dish washer that works and we basically agreed to move in to this house as is--so our landlord isn't really obligated to fix it and we have not asked him to--yet.). So, once the dishes are caught up and I am starting from a clean slate, I am going to get to the bottom of this--once and for all! Any thoughts or comments on this one?

My other big problem is limiting my food intake. This is a discussion for another night and is one other issue that will make or break whether or not I will be able to call myself a disciplined person. In one of the next posts, I will tell you a funny story about limits.

For now it is time to end day 10! Yeah! I'm a third of the way to my goal! A pat on the back is in order!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 9 Post. I got a lot done yesterday--mostly catching up with laundry! When I started this blog on Jan 2nd, I was soooo behind in laundry and now we have been doing some each day (except for Friday) and a bunch yesterday and by the end of tonight ot tomorrow we will be all caught up and if we keep doing a t least a load a day--we will STAY caught up! What a GREAT feeling! I also got caught up enough to where I felt I could give up the machines for Friday night and let a friend(whose machines are broken down) do her laundry! Normally, I would be like, dude, I would let you, but I have too much laundry to catch up on myself!

Jon and I decided a long time ago that Sunday's would be our day off from really any intense work. Some people call it their day of rest or their Sabbath day. We believe that God wants us to take a day off in the week --not to give us another rule, but because he loves us and knows that we need to rest. The problem that I have run in to is that I haven't been disciplined enough during the week, so Sunday comes and I get all anxious and rush around getting things accomplished that I procrastinated in the week and it really turns out to be one of the most stressful days of my week, rather than restful! Can anyone relate??? So, today we have chosen to REST(green is suppose to be a restful color:)). It's been good so far, and we are going on a date now--see ya!! I actually DO feel rested because there is nothing pending---because of the discipline I was able to conquer this past week!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Here's a color I haven't used yet!:)

I ran in to this today as I was reading my Bible: "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11 The whole chapter is on discipline if any one is interested.

The same verse in The Message Bible (A version of the Bible written in every-day language) says, "At the time, discipline isn't much fun. It always feels like it's going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely, for it's the well trained who find themselves mature in their relationship with God." Hmmm... Good stuff.

Off to my day of getting things done around the house! Post #8, DONE!
Today I did not choose to do everything perfectly. This is okay though. I did exercise at the Y, I did drink smoothy, and I did do some housework before we started FNPN (Friday Night Party Night--family night--including games, pizza and snacks).

It has been a hard week being sick and the van breaking down and VERY busy at work! I honestly believe that from my start point to where I ended up-I have made it through with flying COLORS!!!

Next week I will focus on what needs to be "tweeked" so that I can reach some of my goals quicker and more efficiently, and with more energy. Things like sleep, eating habits, keeping up with dishes and laundry and devotions will be discussed in more detail.

Sunday night will start up the weekday schedule again. For the weekend I will get caught up on a few things, think through some ideas and RELAX. Oh. also work out some stuff with my husband--he's been sort of crabby and I'm not sure why exactly.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I am exhausted ! But the day was accomplished. I did feel better which helped. I dragged myself out of bed because I almost forgot to post (actually my husband helped me out of bed). All is going well and my mind set is always to stay as close to the schedule as I can, at the same time being flexible (like, having to work through lunch today because of a last minute client scheduled).

Day 6 is done.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I did not feel better today--I felt worse. I still went to work, drank green smoothie and exercised some (at home, not at the Y. ) Tonight I came home with a migrain (sp?) and decided to do nothing. I did, however, follow the menu plan for the night AND delegated housework.

This has been a hard week to start a new schedule and a life of discipline--just because of being sick--BUT I am STILL on board! This silly old song kept coming in to my head, "My mama said they'll be days like this, they'll be days like this my mama said..." I've had a FEW "days like this" this week!--Goodnight--.

Day 5 is posted!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Trying a new font size to see if the colored letters can be seen better. How's that? Any better?

Today was difficult, because I felt like crap (the cold), but I did all of the important things. I did however have to sleep in a little, which caused me to not have time to make smoothie (this is a fresh drink that is high in nutrients--bananas, two kinds of green leafs, frozen strawberries and water). I also did not work out because I felt horrible--and like I said yesterday, I just needed to cut some non-essentials to take good care of myself. I was feeling better this evening and a had company (thanks for visiting Christy!) so I was motivated to do the evening schedule AND LOOK--day 4 of blogging!!!

The important thing to remember is that I need to get back in to FULL swing as soon as I am healthy enough--it is sooooo easy to get off track! I should be feeling pretty good by morning.

I am so happy to be doing this blog and challenging myself in this way! It just seems like the next step in my life, that will eventually bring more LIFE to me and to my family and to all whom I come in contact with.

Thank you Lord for strength, endurance and confidence to take the next step in my life .

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Here"s to pointing my faith in the right direction!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Not gonna take much time blogging tonight--but, I am following through. Followed the schedule today~ for the most part~there was too much packed in to one day~I chose to cut some things out. But, I DID work out at the Y and I did make and drink Green Smoothie! These two things are in the schedule for every weekday and they are 2 of about a handful of things that I have had a hard time over the years staying disciplined at.

I also took it a litle easier than normal because I have a BAD cold and as much as I am gung-ho (never spelled this out before!) for this new life of discipline, I do need to learn to give myself a break~and today was one of those days.

A note to those of you who might be considering making up your own schedule to follow: Especially if you have young children (my youngest is 1 years old)--sometimes the timing or the order of things need to be changed in the moment to take care of the IMMEDIATE and URGENT needs of your children. I had to change things up quite a bit this morning --but the main thing was that everything important got done. Tomorrow we have to change our schedule as well, because of some last minute needs of my daycare provider and because of two of our kiddos having doctors appointments. I do have the tendency to get stressed out when the schedule is ALREADY having to be arranged, changed, whatever--but all it took today was for me to BREATHE ,think it through and come up with alternatives that met all of our needs for the day and still stayed within the spirit of the disciplined schedule.

I learned today that part of becoming a disciplined person is to control what you can control and make the best out of the rest!!!! ~I also remembered to pray when the challenges arose. This makes a huge difference in gaining peace and wisdom to modify the plan.

So far, so good!! Thanks to whoever created blogging--it works for me! And to all of you who are supporting me with comments here and through my email. I am encouraged. I can use all of the positive thoughts and prayers I can get! My husband has been very helpful as well--having someone to come alongside you in the thick of it -helps a lot!

"Tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it!" From Anne of Green Gables

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The family is currently working on the Evening Schedule as I type:) Part of the evening is for me to blog--so here goes...We have already had to modify the schedule because our van broke down. Normally I would take the kiddos to school in the morning, but now Jon will because he borrowed someones vehicle. This leave me more time to do things in the morning--which gives me more time to tonight to just BE. I'm tired and there is always a slight, momentary, circumstantial depression that seems to kick in on Sundays--the day before the start of what I know will be a busy week.

We are committed to the schedule and I am very thankful that my husband is on board.

Lord, give us this day our daily bread--the portion of you that we need for tonight and tomorrow morning. Thank you.

DAY 2 is a accomplished --even though we were tired and circumstantially depressed. As time goes on it will get better--because we will be healthier, have more energy and less to tackle at one time (because we will have kept up with it from today, on!!!)

See you tomorrow! I have more work to do...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

We (my husband and I) planned a daily, weekday schedule. Part of the schedule includes daily and weekly housework to be done. Our next step is to plan out each chore and how often it needs to be done (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly). This should be done today (or tomorrow at the latest), then begins the REAL test! To FOLLOW the schedule! It seems doable. It includes all aspects of our home life and health. Certain very important things are actually scheduled in (a glass of water each morning and each evening for all of us, exercise at the YMCA at least two nights a week for all of us, working out at lunchtime for me, stretching in am and pm for me, etc).

I know that for some, all of this seems like, DUH?!?! But , for me it is important to follow a schedule until it all becomes natural and DISCIPLINED. I have written out a schedule many, many times in the past 12 years of being married and I have never followed through for more than maybe 2 weeks at the most.

I was meaning to mention the reasons I "want like an armed man" to become a disciplined person. I want to lose weight, gain better health, gain more energy, have a clean, organized and beautiful home (where a person could show up at the door un-announced and I would not be ashamed to let them in) and have less pain in my body (I have many , many pains in my body everyday--most of which can be eliminated or reduced by eating much better, stretching and exercising). I also want to have much less stress and more time on the weekends to just BE--spend time with family and friends without my mind being back at home--knowing that 100 things are not done or half done!

And the main reason I want to become a disciplined person is to teach my children BY EXAMPLE that limits are healthy and possible! As my husband and I become healthier in these areas, so will our children.


Lord, let this not just be a bunch of talk. Change my mind and my heart--so that I can DO this!

"Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber and want like an armed man." Proverbs 6:6-11

Today I am making the choice to "go to the ant". Last night I was thinking that I don't know where to begin to become a disciplined person. I have tried this before and it does not work for me. Maybe it is my personality, maybe my dad didn't teach me well in this area (or more accurately, he did, but I was stubborn and didn't allow myself to learn it), maybe I've become a creature of habit, maybe I give in to too many momentary desires (like eating potato chips at 10 pm) maybe I am afraid to try too hard, because I actually am a perfectionist and I do not want to waste time energy just to FAIL. Maybe I have wounds from the past (like, I already did my share of housework, dang it!!) that subconsciously hold me back from moving forward in to a life of discipline. There are a pluthera of reasons why I have not gotten to a place yet where I can say that I AM A DISCIPLINED PERSON.

But then I realized that there are some areas of my life that I am disciplined. I forgot! All this time I have been thinking that I am not disciplined! I get up every morning when the alarm goes off--(for the most part), make coffee (we could debate whether this is discipline or addiction:)), take a shower, pray in the shower, get dressed for the day, (notice I don't always eat a healthy breakfast or read my Bible --2 things that I would like to do everyday),get out the door basically on time, drop the kiddos off and get to work on time (or close enough).

I am also disciplined in my work ethic. When I am at work, I work. I work hard, I do my best, I take constructive criticism, I build decent working relationships with co-workers, etc.

I am disciplined at following through when I say I will do something (like , I said on facebook that I am going to start this blog and that I will post a link soon).

I am disciplined at (this one is very random!) not eaves-dropping. I decided a while back that eaves-dropping gets me into more trouble than it is worth and that I am not going to do it, as much as I can control it. I think I have gotten close to mastering it, and it is because I practiced and DISCIPLINED myself to not do it.

I am disciplined at staying with and loving my husband and working at making it the best relationship it can be. I am not being boastful here. You do not know how many times I wanted to leave (not because he is such a horrible guy--but because leaving seemed like it would be easier than working it out).

I am disciplined at working on myself. I try to see (everyone has blind spots--including me) as much as I can, how my beliefs and actions are negatively affecting myself and others and I try to get to the root of it and change it.

I am disciplined at not judging or condemning people. I use to be a very judgemental person. I still have a tendency to lean in this direction, but I have made strong efforts to look at people and treat people like PEOPLE--like someone who is a mom or a sister or someone's kid or someone's long lost friend...vs. labeling them (drug addict, homeless, blind, closet alcoholic, divorced, gay, etc.)

Again, not tooting my own horn, but allowing myself to NOTICE and ACKNOWLEDGE where I am disciplined. There are more areas (thank God!) but these are enough of a foundation to go on. At least I don't have to start completely from scratch, right!?

I have never believed that it is okay to "pat myself on the back". If I get to work on time, or wash the dishes right after dinner or put the laundry away right when the dryer beeps--I did what "should" be done, so why should I praise myself--right? No, I am realizing that if I want to be a lover and encourager of others, I need to love and encourage MYSELF. Not self-worship or self-absorbtion, but SELF CARE.

Today my first step toward going to the ant is, to make a plan of structure for our daily life--a plan that is doable and that includes each of the four of us (two older kids, my husband and myself) doing our part to contribute to having a home that is ordered, clean and beautiful.

I have one more thing that I am going to commit to: blogging my thoughts and/or feelings on "go (ing) to the ant" or becoming a disciplined person, every day for 30 days. I am scared already! But I can pat myself on the back for today--because day 1 is now accomplished!!!! I might even blog more than once a day--you never know!:)