Sunday, January 31, 2010

POST 26 (There are more than 26 posts, but I am going off of how many days, even if I post more than once in a day.) Yesterday was a great day. I got a lot accomplished at work and I had a fun night out with some girlfriends---BUT there was really not a break in the schedule, so, posting was forgotten AGAIN! No guilt here though! I'm just excited to to be so close to the 30th post!

Since it's 1am, I think I need to discuss my sleeping habits. I have always been a night person. I'm sure some of you can relate. But the fact is, I need to start being DISCIPLINED about going to be at 10pm or 11pm at the latest, because then I can get up earlier in the morning and not have to get all stressed out rushing around to get out the door on time! Ask my girls, in the morning, if mom ain't happy, no one is happy (this applies more in the am then normal:))! So, mom needs to be happy in the morning, the only way for this to happen is for me to get my butt in bed at night! I am committing to going to bed no later than 11pm every night this coming week. I pretty much know why I started staying up late~; from childhood, through college I had a serious problem falling asleep at night. So, eventually I started to just stay up until I couldn't stay awake. Now, it is just a habit and I think a coping skill. Time to break it--whatever it has become! I'm gonna need prayer on this one! Thanks!

This leads me to the next subject to be discussed, which is limiting my food intake. It IS VERY late--so tune in tomorrow when I attempt to tackle this BEAR!!!!!

2 thoughts~1 from a book I am reading called "Crazy Love" the other from the Bible study, "Breaking Free"-- I am taking for the 2nd time. Both of these thoughts are things I am going to remind myself of this week:

1) "All that matters is the reality of who we are before God." Francis Chan

2) "Anytime you are preoccupied by a destructive thought process--this is a hinders you from the fullness that God is calling us all to." Beth Moore

1 comment:

  1. Some practical advice for you is to try taking melatonin for sleep. It's natural and works very well. Try taking it at 10p to see how quickly it makes you sleepy and maybe you'll get to bed even earlier than 11p!! It takes a bit to build up in your system but once it's does - it's awesome! It sweetly makes you sleepy and you don't feel "hung over" in the morning. Start with 1 or 2 mg and see how you feel. I take 3mg every night and sleep like a baby!
